
国家支撑计划“主动健康和老龄化科技应对方向”课题负责人,美国纽约大学访问学者,国家科技专家库评审专家,中国电子学会竞赛专家组成员,重庆市中小企业专家委员会成员;主持国家重点研发计划、重庆市技术创新与应用发展专项重点项目、重庆市自然科学基金、重庆市体育科研重点合作项目等20余项;以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI收录期刊论文 20 余篇,多个国际期刊评审人,授权发明专利 20 余项,其中9项实现成果转化,实现产值超过千万元;参与了多项个人健康国际标准编制,参与了《运动健康器材装备应用互操作规范》系列国家行业标准编制;获得军队科技进步三等奖 1 项,365体育官方唯一入口科技进步一等奖 1 项,重庆市产学研创新成果一等奖1项。
1. 科技部国家重点研发计划:运动行为监测与干预关键技术研究,2020YFC2007200,2020年,课题负责人,236万
2. 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目:基于多模态信息融合排便障碍综合征诊断模型及关键技术研究:cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0641,2020年,课题负责人,10万
3. XXXX预研:柔性可穿戴人体应激反应装置, 2021年,课题负责人
4. 重庆市体育重点科研计划项目:基于多传感器融合运动姿态检测系统研究,A2019021,2019年,课题负责人,4万
5. 重庆市技术创新与应用发展专项重点项目:车载智能语音交互系统研发及应用,cstc2019jscx-zdztzxX0051,2019年,课题负责人(企业联合),80万
6. 重庆市技术创新与应用发展专项重点项目:轻型飞机航电系统智能检测综合平台开发及应用,cstc2019jscx-zdztzxX0029, 2019年,课题负责人(企业联合),48万
7. 横向课题:多流特征距离融合系统与融合方法研究,2022年,课题负责人,100万
8. 横向课题:用于卷积神经网络硬件加速的数据处理方法研究,2022年,课题负责人,50万
1. W. Qin, B. Huang, Z. Huang*, L. Tahsin and D. Sun, "Deep Constraints Space via Channel Alignment for Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification," in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 29, pp. 2672-2676, 2022.
2.DAMIN SUN, ZHIYONG HUANG*, ZHUOLI ZHUANG, ZHIYAO MA, LO KAR MAN, DONGHUA LIAO, and HANS GREGERSEN; Fecobionics: A Novel Bionics Device for Studying Defecation; Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 2, February 2019 pp. 576–589;
3. Huang Z Y*, Lin S, Long L L, et al. Predicting the Morbidity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Based on Multiple Locally Weighted Linear Regression Model with K-means Clustering[J]. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2020, 139:104141.
4. Yu, Z., Qin, W., Huang, Z*. et al. Joining features by global guidance with bi-relevance trihard loss for person re-identification. Neural Comput & Applic 34, 8697–8712 (2022).
5. Wencheng Qin, Baojin Huang, Pinzhong Qin, Zhiyong Huang*, Daidi Zhong. "Learning diverse and deep clues for person reidentification." Image and Vision Computing (2022).
6. Huang, Z*., Guan, T., Qin, W. et al. Gaussian-based probability fusion for person re-identification with Taylor angular margin loss. Neural Comput & Applic 34, 20639–20653 (2022).
7. Huang, Zy.*, Qin, Wc., Luo, F. et al. Combination of validity aggregation and multi-scale feature for person re-identification. J Ambient Intell Human Comput (2021).
8. Qin, Wc., Huang, Zy*., Guan, Th. et al. Triplet penalty matters: penalty metric space triplet loss for person re-identification. J Ambient Intell Human Comput (2022).
9. Yu, Z., Qin, W., Tahsin, L. Huang, Z*. TriEP: Expansion-Pool TriHard Loss for Person Re-Identification. Neural Process Lett 54, 2413–2432 (2022).
10. Yu, Z., Huang, Z.*, Qin, W. et al. Joint uneven channel information network with blend metric loss for person re-identification. Complex Intell. Syst. 8, 4163–4175 (2022)
11. Ran S, Huang Z*, Hu S, Yang H. SiC Heterojunction Trench MOSFET with a Buried P-Type Pillar for the Low Gate-Drain Charge and Switching Loss. Micromachines. 2022; 13(2):248.
12.Ran, S., Huang, Z*., Hu, S., Yang, H., & Zhou, D.. (2021). A 3d sic mosfet with a poly-silicon/sic heterojunction diode. Chinese Physics B, 31(1), 018504 (6pp).
13. Zhiyong Huang*, Yujie Wang, Linling Wang. ISO/IEEE 11073 treadmill interoperability framework and its test method: Design and Implementation; JMIR Medical Informatics. 2020;8(12):e22000
14. Zhiyong Huang*, Tianhui Guan, et al. Maximum Efficiency Tracking Design of Wireless Power Transmission System Based on Machine Learning. Energy Reports,2022.
15. Yang, Mingyao, Jie Ma, Pin Wang,Zhiyong Huang*, Yongming Li, He Liu, and Zeeshan Hameed. 2021. "Hierarchical Boosting Dual-Stage Feature Reduction Ensemble Model for Parkinson’s Disease Speech Data" Diagnostics 11, no. 12: 2312.
16. DAMING SUN, JINGBO ZHAO, DONGHUA LIAO,ZHIYONG HUANG, and HANS GREGERSEN. The Turning Point for Morphomechanical Remodeling During Complete Intestinal Obstruction in Rats Occurs After 12–24 h. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. Vol. 46 No. 5. pp. 705-716 .2018;
17. Zhiyong Huang*, Zhi Yu, Yingsong Li, Yujie Wang, Shuang Lin, Daming Sun, Yuang Zhong, Hailin Cao, and Hans Gregersen ; Contribution-Based Multi-Stream Feature Distance Fusion Method With k-Distribution Re-Ranking for Person Re-Identification; IEEE Access, Vol. 7, 2019, pp:35631-35644.
18. Huang Z, Guo B, Shaibu R, et al. Lab-Supported Hypothesis and Mathematical Modeling of Crack Development in the Fluid-Soaking Process of Multi-Fractured Horizontal Wells in Shale Gas Reservoirs[J]. Energies, 2020, 13(5):1035.
19. Kassab, G. S., Gregersen, H., Sun, D., & Huang, Z. (2021). Novel bionics developments in gastroenterology: fecobionics assessment of lower gi tract function. Physiological Measurement, 42(6), 06TR01 (12pp).
1. 黄智勇,孙大明.一种基于多模态信息的食道功能性疾病诊断系统,210811014891.0(成果转化)
2. 黄智勇,虞智,李银松,汪余杰,林爽,孙大明.多流特征距离融合系统与融合方法,201910009037.3(成果转化)
3. 黄智勇,李银松,虞智,汪余杰,林爽,孙大明.一种基于k邻域分布得分的图像重排序方法,201910009038.8
4. 黄智勇,汪余杰,林爽,虞智,李银松,孙大明.一种行人重识别系统与方法,201910009061.7
5. 黄智勇,吴海华,李渊明,虞智. 基于FPGA的Tiny-yolo卷积神经网络硬件加速方法及系统,201810523619.9
6. 黄智勇,李渊明,吴海华. 用于卷积神经网络硬件加速的数据处理方法,201810523617.X(成果转化)
7. 黄智勇,仲元红,陈茂建. 基于机器视觉的织物叶片锈斑自动检测系统及方法,201610045839.6(成果转化)
8. 黄智勇,李杰,刘越,钟成明.基于P2P动态云的恶意软件检测系统及方法,201510730476.5(成果转化)
9. 黄智勇,曾孝平,陈新龙,周喜川,曾浩,张欣.一种基于行为数据融合的网络安全评分系统和方法,201310049835.1(成果转化)
10. 黄智勇,张欣,李新科,胡国庆.一种无线传感网络中基于估距的定位方法,201310344275.2(成果转化)
11. 黄智勇,曾孝平,周建林,仲元红,熊东.一种Email蠕虫检测方法,200910250848.9(成果转化)
1. ITU-T H.845.10 "Conformance of ITU-T H.810 personal health system: Personal Health Devices interface Part 5J: Insulin pump"
2. ISO/IEEE 11073-40101:2022 Health informatics—Device interoperability—Part 40101: Foundational— Cybersecurity—Processes for vulnerability assessment
3.ISO/IEEE 11073-40102:2022 Health informatics — Device interoperability — Part 40102: Foundational — Cybersecurity — Capabilities for mitigation
4. ISO/IEEE 11073-10404:2022 Health informatics—Personal health device communication Part 10404: Device specialization— Pulse oximeter
5. ISO/IEEE 11073-20601:2022 Health informatics—Personal health device communication Part 20601: Application profile—Optimized Exchange Protocol
1. 中国人民解放军总后勤部科技进步三等奖:消化心身与胃肠动力障碍性疾病的新型诊疗技术开发与临床应用;2018060620660003-4
2. 365体育官方唯一入口科技进步一等奖:远程慢病管理设备互操作国际标准体系研制与推广;2018
3. 重庆产学研创新成果一等奖:个人互联健康设备互操作;2019CG23